Home Klantenverhalen Pharmacie Des Docks (BE)

Pharmacie Des Docks (BE)

La Pharmacie des Docks (Belgium) decided to renovate their pharmacy in 2018. So, perfect timing to think about pharmacy automation.

The pharmacy is part of the Belgian Rissphar group and is perfectly located with many local shops nearby. With approximately 150m², Pharmacie des Docks receives approximately 160 customers per day. With that number of clients, smooth customer service is essential.

After a thorough analysis of the pharmacy infrastructure and sales figures, the MT.XL robot has taken place behind the OTC furniture. The robot has 3 direct exits to the counter.

The team decided to take their customer experience to the next level and our MT.VISION displays are used as a digital OTC wall. A 24/7 customer service is available thanks to our MT.MATIC wall dispenser.

Pharmacie des Docks_MT.MATIC wall dispenser
Pharmacie des Docks_digital communication screens
Pharmacie des Docks_MT.XL pharmacy robot