Home Blog Trends in the pharmacy business 2024

Trends in the pharmacy business 2024

At the beginning of every new year, trends and developments in the business are investigated and summarized. We’ve delved into the current trends shaping the pharmacy sector to help you stay ahead of the curve.

  • Digital Transformation: bridging the gap between convenience and care

Digital transformation is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental shift that demands your attention. With prescriptions going completely digital, and mobile applications for medication management gaining popularity, pharmacists must equip themselves with the knowledge and tools to seamlessly adapt to these changes.

Besides the digitalization of the healthcare system, we see, of course, a non-stop growth of digital consumption of healthcare products. Patients seek the convenience of purchasing medicines and other products from the comfort of their homes. As a pharmacist, you need to try and combine the best of both worlds. Offer an easy-going webshop for healthcare products and find a 24/7 solution for medication pick-ups.

  • Extra pharmacy services: redefining the role of pharmacists

In certain countries, pharmacists are becoming the first contact person for healthcare. For example, in France, pharmacists are setting up teleconsulting cabins, providing patients with easy access to healthcare specialists. In the UK, pharmacists provide advice for common conditions and give the necessary treatment without the need for a doctor consultation.

  • Vaccination: pharmacists taking centre stage

Following our global pandemic, pharmacists are playing a more active role in public health. They can offer the service of vaccination for flu and COVID. This shift makes vaccination more accessible to everyone, reinforcing the critical role pharmacists play in safeguarding community health.

  • Value-Based Care: collaborative efforts

Pharmacies are increasingly involved in collaborative care efforts such as medication schemes and follow-up consultations for chronic users, … They are in direct contact with other healthcare providers as doctors & nurses to give the best possible patient care.

  • Pharmacy Automation : enhanced efficiency

As pharmacists expand their services, the demand for pharmacy automation is on the rise. The additional services, like teleconsulting and vaccination, consume time that pharmacists would traditionally spend on stock management. Enter the pharmacy robot – a dispensing robot that eliminates repetitive stock management tasks, enhances efficiency, and reduces errors.

In summary, 2024 marks the standardization of digitalization in the pharmacy industry. It’s not about avoiding them, but rather, navigating them strategically for a future-ready pharmacy practice.