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Innovation is key

Innovation is and has been central to every industrial revolution. Without we would still be transporting ourselves by horse & carriage, imagine :o.

Fifth revolution

The world rapidly changed during and after the corona-pandemic. Researchers are already talking about the 5th revolution. As a result, every industry is experiencing change and disruption, which is not always easy for small businesses. But to quote Charles Darwin: “It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”

So how can a pharmacy adapt to this fifth revolution and this change in consumer behaviour? Before we dive into this question, let us summarize the advantages of innovation for your business.

First of all, innovation does not only mean inventing new products. You can also innovate your workflow. It will increase and improve your productivity and make you more attractive to future employees. It will cause a reduction in costs as you work more efficiently.

Secondly, innovation will lead to improved brand value & recognition. You differentiate yourselves from your competitors or fellow pharmacies.

And thirdly, when more patients come to your pharmacy, you will have an increased turnover and profitability.

To profit from these advantages, you need to adapt. There is no doubt about that because your patients are changing. Did you know that a recent study among (Belgian) consumers found that the two main frustrations with pharmacies are: medication is not in stock when needed & opening hours? (source: Bruno Liesse, 2021)

Pharmacy robot as a helping hand

When tackling the first challenge, our pharmacy robot can come in handy. With automated stock management, you can optimize your stock according to the sales you make. You avoid having a dead stock or shortage.

Our robot also allows you to innovate your workflow. Use the skills of your team for useful & fulfilling tasks, instead of storing medication.

Sales & collect module for 24/7 service

Now, adapting your opening hours is more challenging. You can’t be open 24/7 as it is simply not possible in costs and work-life balance. Meditech acknowledged this issue and designed the digital sales & collect module MT.MATIC. This device lets you sell or serve to your patients after opening hours.

If you combine our MT.MATIC with a webshop and home-delivery service, you differentiate from other pharmacies and even those online players. Because you still have the greatest asset which is patient knowledge.

To summarize, innovation doesn’t only concern a new product or big investments. With small changes, you can make a big difference and make your pharmacy future-proof and ready for the 5th revolution.