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Become a patient coach

Tips for creating a meaningful partnership with your patients.

There are many benefits to having a meaningful connection with patients. It is a way to differentiate yourself from competitors and to stand out in this hasty, digital world.

House pharmacist

As a pharmacist, it is essential to stay connected to your patients. You are their consultant when it comes to using medicines. In Belgium, for example, you can become your patient’s ‘house pharmacist’. You are in direct contact with their doctor and other health providers. You help with their medication scheme and guide them during their health process. It will create loyalty, and loyal customers will come back.

We will not tell you how you can help your patients with medication schemes etc. You know best, but we can give you a few tips on how successful companies create meaningful partnerships with their clients.

  • Firstly, reward loyalty. 

We all have several loyalty cards in our wallets from multiple supermarkets, stores etc. The card is a well-known loyalty motivator for many decades. For pharmacies, this can also be a great way to motivate patients to return. As marketers, we know this is not the only way. It only plays a small role in the big loyalty strategy.

So we share these five tips that work on loyalty in the long term.

  • Know who your target group is.

Knowing your client is essential to create a connection. Do you have young patients, patients with a family, older patients,…? It is always a great idea to ask about their current situation. They just had a baby? In future visits, you can suggest new baby care products. Your patient will appreciate the info, and you will probably generate extra sales. So showing interest will pay off.

  • Be transparent.

Clients will notice when you are being genuine. Be transparent when you are helping and recommending them a product. Tell them honestly that there are pros and cons. That way, they will feel at ease with you.

  • Be unique.

Are you interested/specialized in a specific topic, …? Then emphasize this in your pharmacy. You will attract patients coping with this issue or with the same interest. For example, are you passionate about animal-friendly skincare? Highlight this in your pharmacy with multiple workshops. This will certainly attract new patients.

  • Ask your clients for feedback.

Only by asking for feedback will you be able to become the best coach. You have to know what they like or dislike and how you can assist them better in the future. Some patients might have difficulty swallowing large pills. You can discuss with their health provider if there is another solution or alternative.

  • Communicate.

This one is obvious but also often forgotten. As a coach for your clients, you have to communicate. Ask them about their day, how they are doing, if they need anything else, how you can help them …

Don’t be afraid to ask too many questions. These will allow you to help them in the best way possible. Make sure you listen to your patients, not only to what they are saying but look at their behaviour and body language. Often you can pick up clues that help you guide the client.

Meditech is also a big advocator for these tips and applies them in the customer approach. We see our pharmacists as long-term partners and try to coach them in their automation process.