Home Oplossingen Quality of job Improved job content for staff
Improved job content for staff: enjoy more time for what really matters thanks to pharmacy robots

LESS stress thanks to the dispensing robot

With a dispensing robot, you get more from your job because you can concentrate on your core advisory role and develop into a genuine patient coach. The robot reduces your stress levels by relieving you and your staff of a large number of tasks.

Discover our pharmacy robots

Storage robot scanning a product and allowing pharmacists to enjoy their improved job content

Less human error

To err is human but no one will deny that they prefere to avoid human error if possible. A robot lets you limit those human mistakes to an absolute minimum. All medication is registered using the 2D matrix code – this means the robot will eject wrong deliveries. The retrieval of medication for patients also takes place with a minimal margin of error.

Thanks to a shelf and storage robot, staff enjoys an improved job content

More stock control

Constantly checking your stock levels is very labour-intensive and time-consuming. Thanks to your dispensing robot this is no longer necessary because the robot monitors your stock levels for you. No more overstock, shortages or deadstock! The robot notifies you when you need to order more of a specific product and also keeps you apprised of unsold stock.