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How to build team loyalty

Pharmacists face multiple challenges since COVID-19. Shortages in medicines and trouble finding employees are only two examples with a big impact on daily operations. Unfortunately, the shortage of medicines is a challenge we can’t help tackle, but at least we want to assist you in your employee management.

Find your perfect match

There is a trend among new pharmacists to choose for the pharmaceutical industry instead of regular pharmacies. The reason is often covid-fatigue and better lifework balance. Therefore, pharmacies are facing challenges in attiring new employees.

Finding that perfect match is not simple anymore. The key is to make your job description attractive and highlight the uniqueness of your pharmacy and job. You must step away from the traditional recruiting channels and use social media and your network to find the right person.

Building a loyal pharmacy team

The hard work does not stop once a new team member is hired. They must stay too. And to do so, you need to transform yourself (besides being a pharmacist) into a people manager and mentor for your whole team. Not easy, we know, but we are here with some tips.

  • Make them feel welcome

The first day is essential to make your new team member feel welcome. Maybe organize a get-to-know breakfast to introduce the other colleagues or plan a teambuilding before the first day. It is necessary to involve other employees in this process so they feel heard & appreciated. It will create a positive work environment for everybody.

  • Work-life balance

The new generation of pharmacists is more aware of the importance of work-life balance. They are hard workers but still want to have private time to enjoy with family & friends. In search of this balance, they use technology to achieve it.

As a mentor, you also need to create an open atmosphere where they feel at ease to take a vacation day or where there is an understanding & flexibility in working hours.

  • Employee development

Continuous learning and investing in professional growth give a highly qualified team and a competitive advantage. Each team member can develop a specific specialism that creates a variety of skills for your patients. Nourishing these skills with conferences, training, … is the way to go.

  • Pharmacy robot

A pharmacy robot creates a positive impact on both work-life balance and employee development. The machine takes over repetitive and time-consuming tasks allowing your staff to focus on their job and the patients. The extra time will reduce stress, create a better work-life balance and a positive work environment.

When introducing the robot, emphasize that the machine is not replacing your team. It will only create added value by relieving workload. Training and support will help the team see the pharmacy robot as an extra-valued team member.

Finally, remember that building loyalty takes time & effort, but it is all worth it.