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Efficient time use in your pharmacy

We no longer have to tell you that a pharmacy robot is a helping hand in your pharmacy. Not only does this automation solution makes sure that your stock is correct, but the robot will also do those annoying and repetitive tasks for you. You will be able to focus on your customers/patients as you no longer have to manually control your command. 

However, time management usually is a bigger concept then managing your stock. As a pharmacist, you are daily confronted with busy planning, which can bring along a lot of stress. For this reason, we gladly share some time management tips that will provide you with peace of mind. 

  • Create a daily or weekly planning.
    If you plan your tasks, you will avoid being occupied with too many things at the same time.

  • Create a detailed to-list. An old, but classic.
    Built a list out of items & sub-items. Especially sub-times will be checked more often and will give you a feeling of accomplishment.
  • Prioritize your tasks and prevent that you spent too much time on less important or not urgent to-do’s.

Did you also know that our digital screens can save you time?
A virtual OTC wall avoids the repetitive task of refilling and cleaning the shelves and therefore creates more free time. 

Good luck! 👊